M O N E Y’s recent track Bluebell Fields is the biggest indication yet that the band I watched perform as Books, Youth and Meke Menete are about to say hello to a mainstream audience. One youtube commentator even accused them of being the next Coldplay. What the fuck?
With that in mind, I’d like to introduce you to Kraken – the solo project of charismatic lead singer Jamie Lee. His recordings, which can be found scattered across the internet like breadcrumbs leading you to a house made of confectionery, are more fragile and soul searching than you could ever imagine. It was not lost on me that when Jamie recently performed at the mythical SWAYS Bunker, he covered Daniel Johnston. His performance was intimate, captivating and dangerously close to being my favourite moment of 2013.
I’ve always been obsessed by myths and monsters – the Kraken was a huge sea creature that destroyed ships. I’ll leave you to google up uncensored images of Jamie to see if this holds true…
Phill Young