Chastity Belt – Black Sail

The above photograph of Seattle’s Chastity Belt (taken by Sarah Creighton) recently popped up on my facebook wall thanks to one of those inescapable buzzfeed links proclaiming it “the most painfully awkward press shot”. Awkward for conformist fuckwits perhaps but for those of us that enjoy subversion and bravery in music: it’s brilliant. And guess what? Chastity Belt only make music to die for…

Comprising of Julia Shapiro (guitar, vocals), Lydia Lund (guitar), Annie Truscott (bass), and Gretchen Grimm (drums) they’ve created a sound that shares the same DNA with Electrelane’s ‘No Shouts No Calls’. Black Sail is one of those songs that just patiently drifts into your head and fills it with dreams.

Watch Chastity Belt perform Black Sail live on KEXP

Pre-Order debut album No Regerts here:

Phill Young